Croppricer, Software for Crop Production

About the Developer

Harold Lindsey, a Michigan farmer created Croppricer™. Harold understands the complexities of today's agriculture; and, the fact that a few decisions throughout the growing season can make the difference between profit and loss.

Like farming, managing inputs and marketing a crop is far more involved today than a few years ago. Likewise, crop prices have fluctuated tremendously in recent seasons, adding to the complexity. In his quest for a method to gather and analyze all crop inputs, he also knew that the program must be as intuitive as it is useful. Keeping simplicity and functionality in mind, he created Croppricer.

As we mentioned earlier, Harold has done most of your homework for you.

Member of a Farm group or Association

If you are a member of a Farm group or represent a Farm group, and you feel Crop Pricer would be a valuable tool for your members, let us know. We'll customize a plan that helps get Crop Pricer out to your members and showcases your support for your members.

Give us a call, and let's talk.

Harold L.


Interview with Max Armstrong Regarding Croppricer


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Introduction to Croppricer

What is Croppricer
Click Now! You can't afford not to!

Interview with Max Armstrong

Interview with Max Armstrong and Harold Lindsey
Click to hear this taped interview.


Tel: 800-624-2174

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